Quest 4 a Perfect Life

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Morning Meditation

Morning Meditation


Most people want the rewards of consciousness without the hard work of consciousness. The hard work of consciousness requires that we develop a daily spiritual practice that allows us to review where we are investing our energy each day. Each morning and each evening we have a choice: do we invest our energy into fears and anxieties, or do we invest our energy into aligning with spiritual truth?

I believe that one of the most effective ways to monitor how we invest our energy is through the daily practice of energetic self-evaluation. Think of your “energy body” as a vast interconnected database of stored experience. Every thought, every feeling, and every memory is encoded and stored in one of your seven chakras, the energy centers of the body. Each of your chakras records and manages a specific category of information. The work of daily practice is to take a personal inventory of the health of your chakras in order to determine how you are using the energy associated with each energy center.


The highest function of each chakra is expressed as a “sacred truth” that points the way to physical health and spiritual integration. Working in meditation with these seven sacred truths can help you align your energetic being with the highest spiritual values.


Every day is a new beginning. Your task each morning is to learn the practice of entering your body and your day consciously. Begin by focusing attention on your entire day from morning to evening. Review your plans for the day. Think about where you need to be and whom you need to be with.

Sense your comfort level. Do you feel stressful about this day or do you feel comfortable? Do you feel prepared for the day’s events? And most importantly, are you projecting fears and expectations onto the day? Remind yourself that we lose power with fears and expectations.

Your First Chakra

Drop your attention to your first chakra, to the base of your body, the root of your spine. This is your connection to Mother Earth. Feel yourself connected to earth energy. Picture yourself sitting on wet earth. Picture yourself smelling the fragrance of newly cut grass. Feel yourself embraced by the soft wind of early morning. Feel sun on you and sound around you. There is only you and the earth now. You and Gaia. This is your connection to your own life, to the experience of being alive.

Your first chakra contains the truth that “all is one.” As you focus on this part of your body you can feel that truth. You can feel yourself connected to every part of life: the fragrance of the earth, the aquatic system, the oceans, the air, nature, your family, your friends, the planet. All of life is connected to you in this moment.

As you prepare for your day, consciously walk into these thoughts. Allow the truth that “all is one” to penetrate through your body and feel that truth and its force moving down your legs. Feel that, because your first chakra is connected to your legs. Feel that power—that when you walk on this earth you’re walking in that truth. No matter where you walk, you’re going to be connected to that electrical guidance that met you the day you were born. You have a circuit, and that circuit connects you to every form of magnetic life on this planet. Take a moment to turn your attention to your first chakra and think about your day. Do you feel unsafe or insecure on this day in your life? Is there something that scares you about this day in your life? Is there some place you’re afraid to walk? Feel your fears. Pull them into your consciousness, because you’re going to need to deal with them today.

What strengths can you feel from this part of your body? Your first chakra is your area of physical strength. This is the part of your body that pulls from that deep sense you have of trusting in your own strength to stand tall, to handle whatever weight is put on your shoulders. You’ve got tremendous strength. Feel that.

 Your Second Chakra

Now move your attention gradually up your spine to your second chakra. You’re in your lower back. You’re in your hips. You’re in your sexual genital area. Feel your attention there.

This energy is vibrant. This energy is red. This energy is hot. The energy of this part of the body is alive, magnetically powerful. This is the part of your body where the truth resides to “honor one another.” Feel that energy.

Now, review your day. Whom are you supposed to be with today? This is the part of your body that records that. This is the part of your body that records all of your relationships every day—how you interact with your relationships. This is the part of your body that contains your fight or flight instinct. Feel that. Are you prepared for a battle today, or are you calm? If you’re meeting someone today whom you feel uncomfortable with, put that person in front of you now, put that person’s face there. Imagine yourself sitting opposite him or her. Pull up all of your anger toward this person, all of your resentment; pull up all of your fear. Put it into your conscious mind right now.

Then ask yourself, “What is it about this person that I don’t like? I need to know that.”

Imagine that the gods sent this person into your life to bring you a message. Now focus your attention on looking directly into this person’s eyes. Keep your eyes focused on this person and say, “Tell me why you’re in my life. What message do you have for me?

Then reverse it and say to this person, “Look into my eyes. What message do I have for you?”

Then look at this person and imagine that you are dying, and this is the last person who is holding you in his or her arms. This is the person who is going to hold you in that last moment of your life. And now feel that feeling. And let it go.

Focus your attention now on your work. Your second chakra relates to your work in the world. What are you going to do today? How do you feel about your work? Are there projects you’re afraid of? Are there projects you’re excited about? Feel your relationship to your work.

Sense your security level. Do you feel yourself losing power when you think about your work? Does it frighten you? Feel that in your body.

Turn your attention to money, finances. As you do this, focus your attention on your lower back. Are you dealing with any financial fears? Do you feel financially threatened or comfortable? Are you losing power over your relationship with money? Why are you doing that? Bring into your conscious mind the illusion you need to deal with when you think about money.

Now reverse it. Think of all the positive energy you’re generating from this part of your body. Think about all of the people in your life whom you love and whom you support. You’re connected to them through this part of your body. This is the center through which you send them love and support in their physical life. Think of those people and send them the messages you want to send them.

Focus your attention now on creativity. Your second chakra is the part of your body where creativity thrives. This is your birth center. This is where you give life to your ideas. You bring them into the earth through your second chakra. Visualize the ideas you want to create today. Bring your creative ideas into this part of your body.

 Your Third Chakra

Now, take a deep breath and move your attention to your third chakra. You’re now in your solar plexus, where the truth resides to “honor yourself.” Focus your attention on how you feel about yourself today.

Do you feel strong? Do you feel frightened? If you’re feeling frightened, what is it that’s scaring you? Identify it. Call that fear by name and have it face you now. Look directly into it. Converse with it. Say to that fear, “Let’s work together. I want you out of my system. I want you to become a strength. Work with me.

Think about your self-esteem. Do you need anybody’s approval today? And if so, ask yourself why. Why do you need that person’s approval? What about approving of yourself? Are you facing anything that challenges you where you need to be courageous and strong?

Your third chakra is your center of honor and integrity. This is your center of endurance and dignity. Remind yourself of your honor code—your integrity—what you’ve promised yourself spiritually in terms of how you want to live your life each day.

 Your Fourth Chakra

Now, raise your attention and move up to your fourth chakra. You’re in the center of your body. You’re in your heart, your center of love. This is the heart of your life. Focus on the truth that “love is divine power.” Remember that love is the only true power that makes any difference in the human experience.

Begin your day by asking yourself how you feel about yourself today. Do you care enough about yourself to protect yourself from anger, to protect yourself from stressful situations that could best be handled with love or compassion? Do you care for yourself enough not to hold negative energies toward another person, to protect the quality of energy in your heart?

Now look ahead toward your day and think of the people you’re scheduled to meet. Ask yourself with each person, one at a time, “How do I feel?” Where you feel love for these people, send more love. Greet them in your meditation. Greet them with the feeling that your heart has enormous room for them and that they are deeply welcomed in your heart.

Focus your attention on those you don’t love. Ask yourself, “Why do I feel this way?” Say the prayer, “Show me why. Tell me why I feel this way. I need to know this because this is becoming conscious. Let me learn more about this today in my life.”

Focus your attention on whom you need to forgive today or whom you should have forgiven yesterday. Put this person in front of you and ask yourself, “What is it I really would like to say to this person before I will forgive?” Let the rage come out. Let your hurt feelings come out. Let your bitterness come out. Don’t let it stay in your heart. Let it out.

And then look at that person. And imagine that this person feels those same things, that someone hurt him or her that much. And then release the prayer, “We need to learn this forgiveness together. I’m grateful for this companion. This companion is a difficult one, therefore I need to learn strength. I may be a very difficult companion for this person, therefore he or she needs to learn strength.” Be kind to yourself and tell yourself, “Forgiveness is not easy, but today I ask for one more step toward that goal.”

Finally, as you’re preparing to leave your fourth chakra, program it. Tell it how much love you want to share that day. Tell yourself to be open to receiving love. Tell yourself that you want to appreciate this day, that you want to find something beautiful in every moment of the day. Release the prayer that you want to look at the day through your heart and not through your fears, that you want to feel gratitude for the events that happen, and even the events that don’t happen that you thought should happen. Remind yourself that if certain things don’t happen, they weren’t supposed to be there in your life that day. Prepare with strength for the day you are about to live. Keep your attention on the right way to walk into this day. Remember, you’re not the only one creating this day.

 Your Fifth Chakra

Move your attention to your fifth chakra, your throat. Focus on the truth, “I surrender my personal will to divine will.” As you remind yourself of this truth, remember that in saying this prayer, an answer toward that prayer will be contained in today. Something will come up today that will cause you to have to release your will. Remind yourself of that. You might find yourself in a work situation or in a relationship or in a business discussion or even in trying to get a seat on an airplane in which you will have to release your will.

Your fifth chakra is your center of choices. It is the part of your energetic system that contains the central cord of your power, because this is where you make your choices. Every day you make choices to direct your soul into attitudes, into memories, into creative acts, into positive feelings about yourself—and into negative feelings about yourself or others. You make these choices. You make the choice to fear your day, or to love your day. Make a commitment to yourself as to what types of choices you want to make today. How do you want to direct your will? Make a commitment to yourself that you will make choices that empower you, and bring more and more clarity into your mind and into your heart as to who you are and what your life is really about here in the physical world. Make a commitment to yourself to make choices that reflect the learning of your spirit instead of the empowerment of illusion.

 Your Sixth Chakra

Let’s move your attention to your sixth chakra. You’re now residing in your mind, your cerebral territory. Your mind is a powerful instrument. It feels good. It generates ideas. It generates creativity. It generates perceptions. Roll around in your mind. Fall in love with your mind this morning. Feel its power.

Now let your mind talk to you. What does it think about today? Is your mind preparing to enter the day feeling good or is it generating illusions?

Imagine that your mind is sitting opposite you now and ask your mind, “Show me what illusions we are going to work through today.” Imagine that your mind says, “Today we’re going to work through the illusion that the external world has more power over you than your internal world. This is a strong illusion and today you’re going to work on that.” And so you look at that and realize, “I’ll have several experiences today that are supposed to teach me again and again that it is my inner world that has power over my outer world. My strength comes from within, not from without. I need to remind my mind of that.” Take a moment. Feel the illusions that your mind conjures. Identify them. Put words to your illusions.

Focus your attention now on your beliefs, on your attitudes, and on your memories. How much time do you spend focusing your attention on your history and on your past? How much of your attention is given to negative attitudes and to pessimism? Do you spend a lot of energy feeling depressed? Think about this.

And ask yourself, do you want to stay in that thought energy today? If not, ask your mind to generate greater truths that you know are true and ask them to reside in your mind, that everything in your life be there for a reason. All things work out for the best. Life moves in cycles. Power will always be returned. Just when you fear the worst, the best happens. Let go. Give your will to the divine. You know deep in your mind that heaven is watching you and watching over you. You know that. You know that no matter what happens, you are blessed, and it’s always for the right reason. You know that. And remind yourself, most of all, that everyone you meet has the same fears you do. You do not stand alone in this. So as you enter the day, enter it with absolute delight, knowing that everyone is just like you. Everyone.

As you prepare to leave the sixth chakra, remind yourself that the purpose of every day of our lives is to “seek only truth,” the central theme of the sixth chakra. Everything in our lives—every experience, every relationship—is designed fundamentally to teach us truth. Seek only truth.

 Your Seventh Chakra

Come up to your seventh chakra. This is the center of the truth, “live in present time.” Present time is all we have. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t here. All we have is now. Everything in your life can be changed by holding on to the truth to “live in present time,” because then nothing in your history has authority over what you’re doing now. Look back at your history. Look back at your past and bless it, and say, “Thank you. It’s been a blessing.” Think of all the wonderful things that have happened to you in your history. Don’t just focus on the negative. Don’t do that.

Send yourself back now, just for a moment, and focus only on the positive—only on all the wonderment of your life, all the coincidences, all the surprises—and bring them back to the present moment. Remind yourself of all the marvelous changes in your life that came and that you didn’t see coming. What caused that? It’s a signal of the divine. Remind yourself that your spirit is a present-time creature. It knows only the now.

Practice this discipline several times in the day ahead of you. When you sit with someone, when you’re talking with someone, when you’re reading something, when you’re having lunch, when you’re walking home, tell yourself, “This is all I have. This is the present moment. This is all there is to my life right now. Study every part of that moment. Listen to its sound. Sense its fragrance. Feel it. Feel your comfort in that moment. Appreciate everything about that moment. It is the only point of your life.

Promise yourself that you’ll return to that perception a thousand times a day, because it keeps your attention in present time. It’s the most powerful perception you can hold. Maintaining the truth that there is only the now, that there is only present time, makes forgiveness very easy, because there’s nothing to forgive. The past doesn’t exist in this moment. It makes loving everyone very easy because they haven’t done anything to you, because yesterday what they did doesn’t exist anymore, and you’re looking at a new person. And you’re a new person. Every day then contains a thousand new opportunities that could not have been there yesterday, because you were looking through your life through yesterday. Look only through now.

So as you glance at the day ahead, release the prayer, “I only want to see the day ahead. My attention will not go backward into my history, and my attention will not go forward into my future. I am committed to staying only in present time, to remaining grounded in my world, to feeling a bond with each person I meet, to respecting my own integrity and my own honor, to living within the energy of love and compassion this day and returning to that energy when I don’t feel it, to making wise and blessed choices with my will, to maintaining perceptions of wisdom and non-judgment, to release the need to know why things happen as they do, and not to project expectations over how I want this day to be—and how I want others to be.” And finally, my last prayer, “to trust God.” And with that I bless my day with gratitude and with love.

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