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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life Purpose

Money, Abundance, and Manifestation

The topics of money, abundance, and manifestation are intimately tied to our ideas about who we are and our perception of reality, and are intertwined at the deepest levels with the work that we do. Many of us are convinced that having more money (or more things) will bring an infusion of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment into our lives. Others feel just the opposite: that money is a distraction from a committed spiritual life, and you'd do best to place your energy elsewhere. By bringing deeper levels of consciousness and awareness into these areas, we are given the opportunity to use every facet of our lives to grow, transform, and to serve others.

Over the last decade there has been an upsurge in best-selling books, sold-out seminars, and general interest in the areas of abundance and manifestation. From Rhonda Byrne's The Secret to the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, this field has "attracted" the interest of millions. Is it possible to attract whatever we want in our lives: a new car, a better mate, a million dollars, the perfect job, or even spiritual awakening? How does this process work? Do we really "create our own reality"? Is "getting what I want" even the right lens through which to focus for those interested in a deep and meaningful inner life?

In our modern consumer culture, it is not surprising that there would be tremendous interest in easy steps for attracting what we want. On one hand, it is easy to dismiss this kind of thinking as infantile fantasy or complete self-obsession and narcissism. On the other, some would argue that such a critique misses the point completely--that this universe and human experience contains simple laws that, when adhered to, place you in a divine flow of inspiration and creativity. And from this inspiration and connection, you are better able to participate in the gifts and bounty of the universe, truly honoring and enjoying your incarnation here.

The publisher of Sounds True, Tami Simon, has recently posted some comments about these matters on her Publisher's Blog at the Sounds True Web site. We recommend Tami's "Manifestation Manifesto" as a fresh perspective.

Manifestation as a Process of Alignment

One way to understand manifestation is as a process of alignment. Rather than telling the universe what it is we think we want, we simply align to the universal intelligence or to the divine will. There is a vast field of intelligence that is not accessible through the conditioned mind of our personal likes and dislikes. This intelligence appears as an unlimited flow of grace, synchronicity, and guidance, which can be attuned to when the mind is quiet.

Often, what we think we want is simply based on the deep sense of separation that we experience--a feeling of disconnection from others, from nature, from the divine/God, and even from our own selves. Our ideas of what will make us happy are often part of a vast network of deeply ingrained and unexamined personal and collective conditioning.

Instead, by aligning ourselves with this source of intelligence, our prayers and intentions become focused upon our becoming clear instruments of the intelligence itself, and allowing the unknown mysteries of creation to flow through us. Perhaps, after all, what is in the highest interest of the whole cannot be found in the field of thought--but by opening to the unknown, without any fixed ideas, we can become the most clear and transformative expressions of love in action.

We'll leave it up to you to determine where you stand. We have found this to be a subtle issue that requires deep contemplation and an unwavering commitment to discovering what is true. We respectfully suggest that you allow your heart to guide you on this one.

The authors, articles, exercises, and resources that we have compiled for you in this area are ones we believe to be grounded in deep wisdom and a genuine, heartfelt caring and kindness for others. We invite you to explore this material and, along with your own natural intelligence and basic goodness, to come to what is true for you.

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