Quest 4 a Perfect Life

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Generating New Ideas

Think Differently and Spark Creativity

"We need to think differently!"
"This needs some fresh ideas!"
"We have got to be more creative around here!"
Are messages like these popping up more and more in your workplace?
Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations realize that constant, ongoing innovation is critical to stay ahead of the competition.
This is why we need to be on the lookout for new ideas that can drive innovation, and it's why the ability to think differently, generate new ideas, and spark creativity within a team becomes an important skill. You need to work actively on building and cultivating this skill, and it can be done!
Often, though, we make the mistake of assuming that good ideas just happen. Or worse still, we get caught in the mind trap that creativity is an aptitude; some people have it, others don't. Then there is the other self-defeating belief - "I am not intelligent enough to come up with good ideas."
These assumptions are rarely true. Everyone can come up with fresh, radical ideas - you just need to learn to open your mind and think differently. This article shows you how to do so.

How to Generate New Ideas

Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, our focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.
A word of caution - while these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in group settings and brainstorming sessions as well.

Breaking Thought Patterns

All of us can tend to get stuck in certain thinking patterns. Breaking these thought patterns can help you get your mind unstuck and generate new ideas. There are several techniques you can use to break established thought patterns:
  • Challenge assumptions: For every situation, you have a set of key assumptions. Challenging these assumptions gives you a whole new spin on possibilities.

    You want to buy a house but can't since you assume you don't have the money to make a down payment on the loan. Challenge the assumption. Sure, you don't have cash in the bank but couldn't you sell some of your other assets to raise the money? Could you dip into your retirement fund? Could you work overtime and build up the kitty in six months? Suddenly the picture starts looking brighter.

  • Reword the problem: Stating the problem differently often leads to different ideas. To reword the problem look at the issue from different angles. "Why do we need to solve the problem?", "What's the roadblock here?", "What will happen if we don't solve the problem?" These questions will give you new insights. You might come up with new ideas to solve your new problem.

    In the mid 1950s, shipping companies were losing money on freighters. They decided they needed to focus on building faster and more efficient ships. However, the problem persisted. Then one consultant defined the problem differently. He said the problem the industry should consider was "how can we reduce cost?" The new problem statement generated new ideas. All aspects of shipping, including storage of cargo and loading time, were considered. The outcome of this shift in focus resulted in the container ship and the roll-on/roll-off freighter.

  • Think in reverse: If you feel you cannot think of anything new, try turning things upside-down. Instead of focusing on how you could solve a problem/improve operations/enhance a product, consider how could you create the problem/worsen operations/downgrade the product. The reverse ideas will come flowing in. Consider these ideas - once you've reversed them again - as possible solutions for the original challenge.

  • Express yourself through different media: We have multiple intelligences but somehow, when faced with workplace challenges we just tend to use our verbal reasoning ability. How about expressing the challenge through different media? Clay, music, word association games, paint, there are several ways you can express the challenge. Don't bother about solving the challenge at this point. Just express it. Different expression might spark off different thought patterns. And these new thought patterns may yield new ideas. 

Harmful Effects of Radiation

Many tests have been conducted to see how radiation alters the every day bodily functions. Personally, I think it is mind numbing that there are still no government endorsed health warnings on mobile phone boxes to let people know the truth and make their own minds up. 
With the wealthy revenue that is in the mobile phone market, there is not much chance of any top channel publicly admitting a problem with mobile phones. Though even so, there has been many u-turns in recent studies and their results. Behind closed doors, many MPs are looking into the radiation threat with great detail. In fact, some local MPs have opposed new propositions to erect new masts in areas that have already had second mast planning rejected with local residence rallying support against it.
We do have to look at the sharp (unknown) increase in brain cancer in the last decade (which coincides with the recent technology boom.)
Well, In the Soviet Union, the radiation from mobile phones was used to cause brain damage on lab rats. Today, the evidence points strongly at radiation becoming a menacing threat to our modern day society. 

EMFs And The Surrounding Dangers
EMFs (Electromagnetic fields) are emitted from all electrical appliances, some give more than others and some give out far more than the most powerful over head transmission lines. More importantly, many give out more than the recommended safety guide lines.

Typical safety guide lines are between 0.5 and 2 milligauss
Experiments have shown that a standard digital alarm clock emit a field of 6 milligauss
A computer can emit 20 milligauss
Whilst a mobile phone measures around 100 milligauss

Why the effects of a mobile phone really are bad.
Results conclude that the human body is put under the same strain when on a mobile phone than when it is put through a course of radiation already known to be harmful to humans. every one has basic survival instinct,  if a fire is hot, we move. Well that is in our inner stress reaction. This is routed back to our genes, we try to adapt to situations and over millions of years, we evolve. The mobile phone revolution is a new phenomenon that evolution knows nothing about yet. As nothing in the bodies genes knows how to protect itself, disease slowly develops as no stress reaction was triggered and nothing was done. Although most tests carried out in Europe suggest only radiation that cooks you're brain is harmful. Other scientific studies compel some worrying reports and findings. 
Just as radiation is carried from mast to phone through radio waves, the cells in our bodies do just that. There is a constant exchange of information between living cells in our body. When man-made radiation was put together, no one thought the signals produced could interfere with the bodies natural exchange of information. The cells in a human body are sensitive to alien energy, the energy from a mobile phone is several billion times stronger than those of the cells, which can cause the body to malfunction.
Electromagnetic radiation caused by a mobile phone call for 2-3 minutes can alter the way your body responds, reacts and functions for up to 3 hours after the call. Every particle of our body spins around its own axis like a minute merry go round. This spinning motion creates a radiation field around each particle. If some sort of unevenness is brought in to the motion, it is transformed in to an electromagnetic wave spreading in all directions like ripples on water. Each of the body's particles spins and at the same time wobbles slightly due to its magnetic field and the electromagnetism within its field. This generates a very complex pattern of radiation known as the spin generated electromagnetic field, or the spin field.
So even if a radiation signal is not strong enough to fry you're brain, it will cause damage within the body's natural defence system. Blood cells slow down the work rate of carrying blood and oxygen round the body. The spin effect is altered and the body is left in unknown territory and finds it difficult to regroup for sometime after. The body's harmonious function is not able to operate as particles are out of synchronisation with each other. 
Using a Biophone or Bioguard has consistently shown that it does help the body to protect its self where evolution cannot. It resists the alteration the radiation emits and does not let it effect the spin of the inner body particles. Even using one after a call has shown that regrouping of cells is so much faster.

Magnetic water conditioner

Magnetic water conditioner

Magnetic Limescale Remover for hard water areas

What happens to water when it passes through a magnetic field?

The water molecules are modified to behave like soft water!! At the atomic level.

What can I expect H2Flow-water softener to do for me?

In just a few months you will begin to save money from energy savings.
Over the years you will save money because your plumbing, fixtures and appliances will last longer.
The scale in your plumbing will be greatly reduced in just a few months.
Your water heater will use less fuel and will last longer.
After just a few days when bathing your skin will feel softer and not dry and itchy.  Your hair will feel silky and more manageable.
After just a few days dishes washed by hand or in a dish washer will clean easier, and without spotting.
You will use less detergent when washing laundry, doing dishes, and bathing.
Kitchen and bathroom faucets and fixtures will clean easier, and last longer.


How It Works to remove limescale

The H2Flow acts on salts suspended in the domestic water supply which helps prevent the build up of limescale. A 6mm deposit of limescale in the homes water supply can add 40% to the cost of heating and also prolongs the life of pipes and appliances.

Electronic limescale inhibitors produce a pulsed electro magnetic field in the pipes to soften and loosen the scale. The H2flow has been designed to mimic these products but without the consumption of  any electricity and producing electro magnetic waves - a much healthier and cheaper alternative. Adding chemicals to hard water is a common method of combating limescale, although the water treated cannot be used for drinking or cooking and the provision of chemicals can be expensive-the H2Flow is a much better alternative.

Who can benefit from H2 flow - magnetic water conditioner

Those living in hard water areas have benefited most, where limescale has been reduced in pipes and appliances. This in turn, reduces heating bills and extends the life of appliances.

Not only the domestic user can benefit, places where water appears to maintain its pH value for longer such as livestock farms, fish farms & nurseries. Also car wash machines - to ensure a better finish with less marks on drying. Other industries may also benefit from this product.

History of water and magnets

Since the turn of the 19th century, literature has cited the effects of  lodestones and naturally occurring magnetic mineral formations.  The formation of Hardness and Scale was noticeably reduced in laundry and cooking when this "magnetically" treated water was used.
In Europe for past 40 years, magnets have been an Economical as well as an Ecological approach to dealing with the Scaling and Mineral formation problems associated with hard water.

Benefits of H2Flow - magnetic water conditioner

Using magnetic fields to condition hard water is now becoming very popular, although most of this type of product is powered from mains electricity to produce an electromagnetic field around a water pipe. H2Flow performs the same function without consuming power and without producing any electromagnetic radiation!

As water passes through the CRP magnetic field the limescale (salt) molecules lose their attraction to one another and are prevented from combining into larger structures (limescale), causing them to remain in suspension. Water treated in this way will eventually return to its original pattern, but in the average household the treated water is used before this event. Once fitted, the running costs of an H2Flow are zero, but the savings can be considerable - both financial and environmental.

It also provides your home with magnetically treated drinking water and all the health benefits that come with drinking magnetized water.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Human Brain

The human brain is the center of the human nervous system and is a highly complex organ. Enclosed in the cranium, it has the same general structure as the brains of other mammals, but is over three times as large as the brain of a typical mammal with an equivalent body size.  Most of the expansion comes from the cerebral cortex, a convoluted layer of neural tissue that covers the surface of the forebrain. Especially expanded are the frontal lobes, which are associated with executive functions such as self-control, planning, reasoning, and abstract thought. The portion of the brain devoted to vision is also greatly enlarged in human beings.

Brain evolution, from the earliest shrewlike mammals through primates to hominids, is marked by a steady increase in encephalization, or the ratio of brain to body size. The human brain has been estimated to contain 50–100 billion (1011) neurons, of which about 10 billion (1010) are cortical pyramidal cells. These cells pass signals to each other via as many as 1000 trillion (1015) synaptic connections.

The brain monitors and regulates the body's actions and reactions. It continuously receives sensory information, and rapidly analyzes this data and then responds, controlling bodily actions and functions. The brainstem controls breathing, heart rate, and other autonomic processes that are independent of conscious brain functions. The neocortex is the center of higher-order thinking, learning, and memory. The cerebellum is responsible for the body's balance, posture, and the coordination of movement.

In spite of the fact that it is protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the delicate nature of the human brain makes it susceptible to many types of damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a wide variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of the brain is rare because of the barriers that protect it, but is very serious when it occurs. The human brain is also susceptible to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are widely thought to be caused at least partially by brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.

Bisection of the head of an adult man, showing the cerebral cortex and underlying white matte

The adult human brain weighs on average about 3 lb (1.5 kg) with a size (volume) of around 1130 cubic centimetres (cm3) in women and 1260 cm3 in men, although there is substantial individual variation. Men with the same body height and body surface area as women have on average 100g heavier brains,[6] although these differences do not correlate in any simple way with gray matter neuron counts or with overall measures of cognitive performance. 

Neanderthals had larger brains at adulthood than present-day humans. The brain is very soft, having a consistency similar to soft gelatin or firm tofu. Despite being referred to as "grey matter", the live cortex is pinkish-beige in color and slightly off-white in the interior. At the age of 20, a man has around 176,000 km and a woman about 149,000 km of myelinated axons in their brains.

General features

Drawing of the human brain, showing several important structures

The cerebral hemispheres form the largest part of the human brain and are situated above most other brain structures. They are covered with a cortical layer with a convoluted topography Underneath the cerebrum lies the brainstem, resembling a stalk on which the cerebrum is attached. At the rear of the brain, beneath the cerebrum and behind the brainstem, is the cerebellum, a structure with a horizontally furrowed surface that makes it look different from any other brain area. The same structures are present in other mammals, although the cerebellum is not so large relative to the rest of the brain. As a rule, the smaller the cerebrum, the less convoluted the cortex. The cortex of a rat or mouse is almost completely smooth. The cortex of a dolphin or whale, on the other hand, is more convoluted than the cortex of a human.

The dominant feature of the human brain is corticalization. The cerebral cortex in humans is so large that it overshadows every other part of the brain. A few subcortical structures show alterations reflecting this trend. The cerebellum, for example, has a medial zone connected mainly to subcortical motor areas, and a lateral zone connected primarily to the cortex. In humans the lateral zone takes up a much larger fraction of the cerebellum than in most other mammalian species. 

Corticalization is reflected in function as well as structure. In a rat, surgical removal of the entire cerebral cortex leaves an animal that is still capable of walking around and interacting with the environment. In a human, comparable cerebral cortex damage produces a permanent state of coma. The amount of association cortex, relative to the other two categories, increases dramatically as one goes from simpler mammals, such as the rat and the cat, to more complex ones, such as the chimpanzee and the human.
Major gyri and sulci on the lateral surface of the cortex

The cerebral cortex is essentially a sheet of neural tissue, folded in a way that allows a large surface area to fit within the confines of the skull. Each cerebral hemisphere, in fact, has a total surface area of about 1.3 square feet. Anatomists call each cortical fold a sulcus, and the smooth area between folds a gyrus. Most human brains show a similar pattern of folding, but there are enough variations in the shape and placement of folds to make every brain unique. 

Nevertheless, the pattern is consistent enough for each major fold to have a name, for example, the "superior frontal gyrus", "postcentral sulcus", or "trans-occipital sulcus". Deep folding features in brain such as the inter-hemispheric and lateral fissure, and the insular cortex are present in almost all normal subjects.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

100 Unbelievable Facts

If you’re a trainer and you want to know why you should keep a collection of unbelievable facts in your training toolkit, here’s why…
…you sometimes need to catch people’s attention in any way you can!

I remember once running a course with a truly difficult young man. In fact, he was quite impossible. He sat in the group wearing a woollen hat which he refused to remove and his expression was sullen. He took no part in any of the discussions except to say they were a waste of time and simply refused to participate in the group exercises.

By chance, shortly after the first morning break… when I was wondering just what to do with my young man… someone mentioned a news story about a child being born on its way to hospital in the front seat of a car.

This triggered one of those long-lost facts deep in my memory to come to the surface and I added a “Did-you-know…?” which was…

“Did you know that Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room at a dance?”

At that moment everyone was intrigued by this fact. The greatest Briton of all time… a wartime hero… Prime Minister several times… born in a ladies’ loo. And guess what? For the first time in the course, my awkward young man was interested too. In fact, he couldn’t help himself.

You see, much as some people hate to be taught and trained, there are few of us who can resist learning something interesting. It’s in our blood. The need to know.
As a way to keep my young man’s interest alive, I spent the rest of that course trawling up as many interesting and credibility-busting facts as I could. Even if I had to stretch their relevance to the subject of my course.

And it’s a trick you can keep up your sleeve too. Just make a file on your computer called “Strange Facts” and put in it any fascinating facts that you come across while surfing or training.

Here are 100 good ones to start you off…

1. If you are struck by lightning, your skin will be heated to 28,000 degrees Centigrade, hotter than the surface of the Sun.

2. If you trace your family tree back 25 generations, you will have 33,554,432 direct ancestors – assuming no incest was involved.

3. The average distance between the stars in the sky is 20 million miles.

4. It would take a modern spaceship 70,000 years to get to the nearest star to earth.

5. An asteroid wiped out every single dinosaur in the world, but not a single species of toad or salamander was affected. No one knows why, nor why the crocodiles and tortoises survived.

6. If you dug a well to the centre of the Earth, and dropped a brick in it, it would take 45 minutes to get to the bottom – 4,000 miles down.

7. Your body sheds 10 billion flakes of skin every day.

8. The Earth weighs 6,500 million million million tons.

9. Honey is the only food consumed by humans that doesn’t go off.

10. The Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.

11. A donkey can sink into quicksand but a mule can’t.

12. Every time you sneeze your heart stops a second.

13. There are 22 miles more canals in Birmingham UK than in Venice.

14. Potato crisps were invented by a Mr Crumm.

15. Facetious and abstemious contain all the vowels in their correct order.

16. Eskimoes have hundreds of words for snow but none for hello.

17. The word “set” has the most definitions in the English language.

18. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating its letters is uncopyrightable.

19. Windmills always turn counter-clockwise.

20. The “Sixth Sick Sheik’s Sixth Sheep’s Sick” is the hardest tongue-twister.

21. The longest English word without a vowel is twyndyllyngs which means “twins”.

22. 1 x 8 + 1 = 9
      12 x 8 + 2 = 98
      123 x 8 + 3 = 987
      1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
      12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
      123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
      1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
      12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
      123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

23. The word “dreamt” is the only common word in the English language that ends in “mt”.

24. Albert Einstein never wore any socks.

25. The average human will eat 8 spiders while asleep in their lifetime.

26. In space, astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity.

27. Hummingbirds are the only creatures that can fly backwards.

28. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.

29. Cockroaches can live 9 days without their heads before they starve to death.

30. A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down.

31. The lighter was invented before the match.

32. The average left-handed person lives 7 years LESS than a right-handed person.

33. The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year!

34. Scientists with high-speed cameras have discovered that rain drops are not tear shaped but rather look like hamburger buns.

35. The first Internet domain name ever registered was on March 15, 1985.

36. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone back in 1876, only six phones were sold in the first month.

37. Approximately 7.5% of all office documents get lost.

38. is currently the most expensive domain name sold: for $7.5 million.

39. In 2001, the five most valuable brand names in order were Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, GE, and Nokia.

40. In Canada, the most productive day of the working week is Tuesday.

41. In a study by the University of Chicago in 1907, it was concluded that the easiest colour to spot is yellow. This is why John Hertz, who is the founder of the Yellow Cab Company picked cabs to be yellow.

42. It takes about 63,000 trees to make the newsprint for the average Sunday edition of The New York Times.

43. On average a business document is copied 19 times.

44. The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people.

45. Warner Chappel Music owns the copyright to the song “Happy Birthday.” They make over $1 million in royalties every year from the commercial use of the song.

46. All babies are colour-blind when they are born.

47. Children grow faster in the springtime than any other season during the year.

48. Each nostril of a human being registers smells in a different way. Smells that are made from the right nostril are more pleasant than the left. However, smells can be detected more accurately when made by the left nostril.

49. Humans are born with 350 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone.

Friday, October 1, 2010

50 Incredibly Weird Facts About the Human Body

As long as we make efforts to take care of ourselves and live healthy, there is a good chance that our bodies will serve us well for a long time. Our bodies truly are amazing. You might be surprised at what your body is capable of after reading these 50 weird facts about the human body:

The Brain

Complex and poorly understood, the brain is what makes everything work properly. The body may be kept alive, but without the brain, a person can’t truly live. Here are some interesting and weird facts about the brain.
  1. The brain doesn’t feel pain: Even though the brain processes pain signals, the brain itself does not actually feel pain.
  2. Your brain has huge oxygen needs: Your brain requires 20 percent of the oxygen and calories your body needs — even though your brain only makes up two percent of your total body weight.
  3. 80% of the brain is water: Instead of being relatively solid, your brain 80% water. This means that it is important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind.
  4. Your brain comes out to play at night: You’d think that your brain is more active during the day, when the rest of your body is. But it’s not. Your brain is more active when you sleep.
  5. Your brain operates on 10 watts of power: It’s true: The amazing computational power of your brain only requires about 10 watts of power to operate.
  6. A higher I.Q. equals more dreams: The smarter you are, the more you dream. A high I.Q. can also fight mental illness. Some people even believe they are smarter in their dreams than when they are awake.
  7. The brain changes shapes during puberty: Your teenage years do more than just change how you feel; the very structure of your brain changes during the teen years, and it even affects impulsive, risky behavior.
  8. Your brain can store everything: Technically, your brain has the capacity to store everything you experience, see, read or hear. However, the real issue is recall — whether you can access that information.
  9. Information in your brain travels at different speeds: The neurons in your brain are built differently, and information travels along them at different speeds. This is why sometimes you can recall information instantly, and sometimes it takes a little longer.

Your Senses

You might be surprised at the amazing things your various senses can accomplish.
  1. Your smell is unique: Your body odor is unique to you — unless you have an identical twin. Even babies recognize the individual scents of their mothers.
  2. Humans use echolocation: Humans can use sound to sense objects in their area using echolocation. It is thought that those who are blind develop this ability to heightened effectiveness.
  3. Adrenaline gives you super strength: Yes, with the proper response in certain situations, you really can lift a car.
  4. Women smell better than men: Women are better than men at identifying smells.
  5. Your nose remembers 50,000 scents: It is possible for your nose to identify and remember more than 50,000 smells.
  6. Your hearing decreases when you overeat: When you eat too much food, it actually reduces your ability to hear. So consider eating healthy — and only until you are full.
  7. Your sense of time is in your head: How you experience time is all about your perception. Some speculate that stress can help you experience time dilation. Apparently, time manipulation isn’t just for superheroes.


How we as a species reproduce offers all sorts of interesting weird facts. Here are some of the weirder things you might not know.
  1. Your teeth are growing before birth: Even though it takes months after you are born to see teeth, they start growing about six months before you are born.
  2. Babies are stronger than oxen: On a pound for pound basis, that is. For their size, babies are quite powerful and strong.
  3. Babies always have blue eyes when they are born: Melanin and exposure to ultraviolet light are needed to bring out the true color of babies’ eyes. Until then they all have blue eyes.
  4. Women might be intrinsically bi: There are sex studies that indicate that women might bisexual intrinsically, no matter how they class themselves, while men are usually either gay or straight.
  5. Most men have regular erections while asleep: Every hour to hour and a half, sleeping men have erections — though they may not be aware of it.
  6. Sex can be a pain reliever: Even though the “headache” excuse is often used to avoid sex, the truth is that intercourse can provide pain relief. Sex can also help you reduce stress.
  7. Chocolate is better than sex: In some studies, women claim they would rather have chocolate than sex. But does it really cause orgasm? Probably not on its own.

Top 27 unbelievable facts that people don't know...

27. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

26. The average chocolate bar has 8 insect legs in it.

25. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than
left-handed people do.

24. Its impossible to smoke oneself to death with weed. You won't be
able to retain enough motor control and consciousness to do so after
such a large amount. (Common Sense)

23. Uncle Phil, from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, did the voice of
Shredder in the TMNT cartoon.

22. Every drop of seawater contains approximately 1 billion gold atoms.

21. The US national anthem actually has three verses, but everyone
just knows the first one.

20. During World War II, IBM built the computers the Nazis used to
manage their death/concentration camps.

19. The total combined weight of the worlds ant population is heavier
than the weight of the human population.

18. The deadliest war in history excluding World War II was a civil
war in China in the 1850s in which the rebels were led by a man who
thought he was the brother of Jesus Christ.

17. Just about 3 people are born every second, and about 1.3333 people
die every second. The result is about a 2 and 2/3 net increase of
people every second. Almost 10 people more live on this Earth now,
than before you finished reading this.

16. Happy Birthday (the song) is copyrighted.

15. The number of people alive on earth right now is higher than the
number of all the people that have died. Ever.

14. The average American consumes 1.2 pounds of spider eggs a year and
eat 2.5 pounds of insect parts a year.

13. The Kamp Krusty episode of the Simpson's was originally meant to
be made as the Simpsons movie.

12. Men can breastfeed babies.

11. There is a rare condition called Exploding Head Syndrome which
you've probably never heard of.

10. Scientists have determined that fungi are more closely related to
human beings and animals than to other plants.

9. In some (maybe all) Asian countries, the family name is written
first and the individual name written second (opposite of the America
method). That's why Asian athletes like Yao Ming and Ichiro Suzuki
have Yao and Ichiro written on their jerseys. Those are their family
names and in America their names are written Ming Yao and Suzuki

8. Abe Lincoln bought 50 cents worth of cocaine in 1860

7. A German World War II submarine was sunk due to malfunction of the toilet.

6. Washington State has the longest single beach in the United States.
Long Beach, WA.

5. The largest living thing on the face of the Earth is a mushroom
underground in Oregon, it measures three and a half miles in diameter.

4. The town of Los Angeles, California, was originally named El Pueblo
la Nuestra Senora de Reina de los Angeles de la Porciuncula.

3. 9 out of 10 people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
This isn't true; Joseph Swan did.

2. Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the
tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found

1. The Population of the world can live within the state boundaries of Texas.

Healthy Snacks with 2 Recipes

olives and peppersSnacking can be good for you, or not, depending on what you eat (and how much). You can keep hunger at bay between meals and get extra nutrition by choosing nutrient-dense foods, or you can nosh on energy-dense foods and pack on the pounds quickly if you're not careful. 

Think of your snack as a mini-meal and keep it balanced. Watch your portions and choose a little protein with healthy fats and high fiber carbs. You'll feel satisfied without over eating. Choose more fruits, vegetables and whole grains and fewer sugary, high-fat treats. Here are some ideas for healthy snacking.
  • Spread peanut butter on six whole grain crackers and serve with one ounce of cheese (about the size of a pair of dice).
  • Cut an apple into bite-size chunks and add them to 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese. Sprinkle one tablespoon chopped walnuts or pecans (and a little honey if you like sweetness).

  • Slice a whole-grain pita into 6 wedges and serve with hummus and a handful of fresh berries on the side.

  • Make a fruit and cheese plate to share. Slice on apple and one pear, and serve with fresh grapes, whole grain crackers and a few thin slices of your favorite cheeses.

  • Combine one cup plain low fat yogurt with 1/2 cup blueberries or strawberry slices, and 1/4 cup chopped walnuts or almonds. Add just enough honey to suit your taste.

  • Spread almond butter on a piece of whole-wheat toast and add a spoonful of 100% fruit spread. Serve with a glass of non-fat milk.

  • Serve olives and marinated red peppers with one slice of warm whole-grain bread.

  • Bake your own tortilla chips and serve them with a chunky mango-black bean salsa.

  • Make a bowl of hot oatmeal and serve with a sliced banana, 1/2 cup berries and a splash of non-fat milk.

  • Have a small salad with spinach leaves, broccoli florets, tomato slices and top with 1/4 cup shredded cheese and one tablespoon of your favorite dressing.
    If you really want to splurge on a candy bar, potato chips or a cookie, remember that it's fine to do that once in awhile (even once a day if you keep within your calorie budget), but keep your portions small -- just one cookie or a small candy bar. Keep these not-so-healthy treats to 200 calories or less, which the USDA calls discretionary calories

    Baked Tortilla Chips

    When you crave a savory snack or need some low fat chips for your dips and salsas, try these baked tortilla chips.

    Cook Time: 10 minutes

    Total Time: 10 minutes


    • 8 fat free flour tortillas
    • Cooking spray
    • 1/2 tsp chili powder (optional)


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Lay out tortillas and briefly spray both sides with oil. Add chili powder if desired. Cut each tortilla into eight triangles. Bake on cookie sheets for 8-10 minutes until crisp and golden. Makes 8-10 servings.

    Thursday, September 30, 2010

    How to Walk for Weight Loss

    Walking is a great, natural way to achieve daily physical activity. 

    10 Walking Mistakes to Avoid

    Mistake #1: Over striding

     Walking the right way can give you better health, fitness, and attitude. It can help you walk faster and more smoothly.

    Walking the wrong way can lead to wasted effort or even injury, not to mention ridicule.

    Over striding

    When walkers try to walk faster, a natural inclination is to lengthen your stride in front, reaching out further with your forward foot. This leads to a clumsy, ungainly gait, striking hard with the feet. Your shins hurt and you really don't get any faster.

    The Cure for Over-striding

    All of the power of your walk comes from pushing with the back leg and foot.
    • Shorter, Quicker Steps: If you are trying to walk fast, concentrate on taking shorter, quicker steps.
    • Roll Through, Push Off: Then think of really rolling through your step with your back foot and leg, getting a good push off.
    The result will be faster feet and lengthening your stride where it does you some good - in back.

    #2 The Wrong Shoes

    Not all "walking shoes" are good for walking. If this describes your shoes, you are setting yourself up for plantar fascistic, muscle pulls and knee problems:

    • Heavy: Walking shoes should be lightweight.
    • Stiff: Soles won't bend, can't twist them. Walking shoes should be flexible so you don't fight them as your foot rolls through the step.
    • Over 1 year old: The cushioning and support in your shoes degrades, you should replace your shoes every 500 miles.
    • Too small: Your feet swell when you take a sustained walk. Your walking shoes should be larger than your dress shoes if you walk for 30 minutes or more for exercise.

    The Cure for the Wrong Shoes:

    Get fit for the right shoes at a technical running shoe store in your area. The athletic shoe experts will make sure you get the right shoe for overpronation, flexible enough for walking, sized right for the swelling everyone's feet have while walking.

    #3 Flapping, Slapping Feet

    Instead of rolling through the step with your forward foot from heel to toe, your foot is flattening out prematurely. Either you are fighting stiff, heavy shoes or your shins are too weak to let you roll through the step.


    • Your feet hit the ground with a slap.
    • You land flat footed with each step and get no roll.
    • You may develop shin pain.

    The Cure for Flapping, Slapping Feet

    Get flexible shoes that bend at the ball of the foot. A pair of running shoes with a low heel is best.

    To strengthen your shins, ankle, and lower leg:
    Toe raises: Stand on a stair facing upstairs with your heels hanging over the edge. Dip the heels down, then raise them high. Repeat 10-20 times.
    Foot fun: While sitting around, several times a day, tap your toes quickly for several seconds. Then write the alphabet in the air with your foot. Repeat with the other foot.
    Heel walking: As part of your warm-up, walk on your heels for 30 seconds.

    #4 No Arms

    You keep your arms still at your sides while walking, or swing them without bending them. You notice that your hands swell quite a bit while walking.

    A normal walking motion uses the arms to counterbalance the leg motion. A walker can add power and speed by using the arms effectively. Long, straight arms act like a long pendulum, slowing you down.
    The cure: Bend your arms 90 degrees and swing them naturally back and forth opposite the leg motion.

    #5 Chicken Winging

    OK, you know to bend your arms when you walk. But you swing them from side to side, crossing the center of your body and extending out to endanger passersby. Or your fists come up on each swing past your breast, up even to your chin or threatening your nose.

    Chicken winging and arm flinging
    Chicken winging and arm flinging
    The cure: Keep your elbows close to your body and swing your arms mostly back and forward, as if reaching for your wallet from a back pocket on the backstroke.
    As they come forward, your hands should not cross the center line and should come up no further than your breasts.
    This arm motion will give power to your walk. Your feet generally move only as fast as your arms.
    This motion lets you concentrate on power from your rear leg without wasting motion in front of your body. It also looks far less silly.


    #6 Head Down

    You are always looking down, hanging your head and staring at your feet.

    The cure: Look up!
    Walking PostureGood posture for walking allows you to breathe well and provides a long body line to prevent problems with your back, neck, and shoulders.
    Chin up when walking - it should be parallel to the ground.
    Your eyes should focus on the street or track 10 - 20 feet ahead. You'll avoid doggy doo-doo, find cracks in the sidewalk, spot potential muggers, and still collect the occasional coin.

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Interpersonal Communication Skills

    You may have the most impressive line-up of degrees and may boast of refined skills, but if you do not have the right interpersonal skills to complement your credentials, you are pretty much a lost case. Whether you are brimming with energy for an important presentation, chairing a conference or simply running for a plum job offer, you cannot expect to get ahead without good people skills. 
    Remember, people can act difficult and can cold shoulder your views and opinion. Nevertheless, if you know the art to convey your message clearly, then even the toughest opposition can become a pushover for you. Strong interpersonal communication skills are a necessary tool to evade workplace conflicts and even stub away personal miscommunications. The key objective is to interact with others in a positive way and ultimately get them to know you better and appreciate you. 
    Remember, nobody fancies an aggressive, loud, rude and snob person. In case you do not have the required interpersonal skills, you better buck up to make the most of your abilities. Read on to know more on effective interpersonal communication skills.

    Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills
    Listen Up!
    You may have a million-dollar look and mouth a million worth words, but if you do not have ears for your audience, then your soft skills are pretty much a bummer. Remember, effective communication begins with effective listening and one of the best ways to make the most of it is to belt up and listen. Listening is deemed as one of the crucial parameters of all interpersonal dealings. Not only does it leave you with a fair idea of others’ feelings, views, opinions and ideas, it also encourages others to revert to you with concentrated attention and zeal.

    Get A Grip!
    You may possess the daintiest of demeanor and may be the suavest of talkers, but if you cannot connect to your audience and appreciate their views, you are definitely on the losing end. One of the most endearing traits of successful interpersonal skills is deference. If you cannot respect others and make them feel comfortable, you will be deemed as a schmuck who blows out lots of smoke. The cue is to pay attention to people and make them feel worthy.

    How To Be Assertive

    Most people who consider being assertive to be a difficult task often assume that others who are assertive find it easy to be one. However, reality has another story to narrate. Almost everyone feels anxious or wrong footed in some situations or the other. Acting confidently is what makes the difference. With a little bit of practice, you can appear confident and speak assertively as well. 
    Often, people confuse between being assertive and being aggressive. In fact there is a thin line between being assertive, aggressive and docile. While aggressive people do not respect others’ perspective and can hurt others when influencing them, people who are docile are unable to defend their own state of being and hence, get influenced by the aggressiveness of the people. 
    Assertive people, on the other hand, are balanced individuals who though pour out their mind at the time of influencing others, respect the other individual’s views and opinions. Given here are some tips on being assertive and confident. 

    Tips For Being Assertive
    Prepare yourself mentally and set your expectations clear to others. Do not expect others to read what is on your mind. Articulate exactly what you expect from others and the reason behind your expectations. Create positive boundaries to know what you are most comfortable at. This way, you will be better able to take control of the situation and achieve your expectations. 
    Physical Presence 
    Your body language plays a major role in determining what others feel about you. Always hold your head up high to show that you are a force to be reckoned with. If you look intimidated, others too would be nervous and anxious. Also, make sure that you do not intimidate others.

    How To Get Rid Of Fear Of Rejection

    The fear of rejection most commonly has its roots in childhood incidences. Comparisons and competition is fairly common among children and this result in one or other form of rejection. Most people have felt rejection and the way they tackle it after being snubbed determines if they would develop a fear of rejection. Most of the time the pain the person feels due to rejection conditions his or her mind where the person tends to withdraw into a shell fearing future rejection. 
    They also tend to develop a reluctance to ask anything, even if it is for help, thinking that their advance will be rejected. This state of mind can harm the relationship that he or she has with other people. The person can become over dependent and may always look for loyalty signs in others. They tend to focus more and more on other people’s reaction to their actions that they tend to become paranoid and miserable. 
    That is why it is very necessary that in order to maintain a stress free life the fear of rejection should be overcome. To know more read the article below for the various tips on getting rid of the fear of rejection.

    Tips On Getting Rid Of The Fear Of Rejection 
    • The fear of rejection leaves a very depressing mood. One way to counter it is to create happy thoughts. Happy thoughts build up the self-esteem, which in turn helps you to overcome the fear of rejection. When you create your own happiness, you will be less dependent on others and also develop a confident outlook.  
    • Be optimistic. A cheerful disposition and positive outlook will help you create happy thoughts and a cheerful atmosphere that will uplift your spirits.
    • Cultivate hobbies. This is the best way to do things that you truly enjoy. Learn to appreciate things even if you are not interested in it. Indulging in hobbies will take your mind away from the problem.
    • Try to be as independent as possible. Depending on people will enhance your rejection phobia. Also, when you are independent you will also develop a better ability to take care of yourself. Being independent will also teach you to address your needs on your own. Don’t rely on your friends and family, so much that it hampers your growth and productivity. Self-sufficiency will ensure that you do not get helpless when you experience the signs of separation.
    • The fear of rejection can only be conquered steadily. You will have to go slow and adopt a systematic approach.
    • While expectation is good, don’t expect too much. Your focus should be on your actions rather than how people will react. The main fear of rejection stems from feeling of helplessness that stems from being unable to control the external outcomes.
    • Set goals that you can reach. If you are in a shaky relationship then it is better to end it before you start developing the symptoms of rejection phobia. While you are in the relationship it is better that, you be yourself rather than what others wish you to be.
    • Set an attitude where you give unconditionally. If you do not expect anything, the fear of rejection won’t be so profound.
    • Let your mistakes be your teacher. Find out how, when and where it all went wrong and then address the issue. When you know your mistakes, you will be better able to rectify them. Learning from mistakes will also teach you to be more careful later.

    What Your Handshake Says About You

    Body language is one of the forms of communication that makes use of various body areas or parts to convey a message. A handshake is one such gesture that is used to greet others, meet new people or close a deal or agreement. The way we shake hands shows the kind of a person we are. It conveys power, confidence, character and professionalism. Did you know that a lot can be deduced about a person from a single handshake? While a firm handshake with the hand facing downwards and arm extended shows that you are confident, a hand pointing upwards is a weak handshake thereby indicating that you are shy, uncomfortable or nervous. Read on further to know what our handshake says about us.
    What Does Your Handshake Mean
    Flabby Handshake
    A flabby handshake is made by a person who is a pessimist. Also known as a limp-fish handshake, this is considered as the most unimpressive handshakes among all.
    Prison Handshake
    A person making a prison handshake will offer a firm hand keeping your hand in his for a long duration, not willing to give it back to you. People making such a handshake seem to be expecting something from your side.
    Robot Handshake
    A robot handshake is one that is offered automatically without any noticeable thought or feeling. This simply shows that the person is simply not interested and is indifferent towards you.
    Jackhammer Handshake
    People who are a little inflexible tend to make a jackhammer handshake as they think that their way is the right one, come what may. They will make a dynamic and forceful handshake indicating their power and determination.
    Squeezing Handshake
    People who tend to show their strength and power make a squeezing handshake. This is done to cover up their feelings of diffidence. Some people assume this handshake to be a sexual connotation.
    Next-to-the-body Handshake
    People who are not willing to take risks, such as politicians, make a next-to-the-body handshake. This is made by keeping the arm close to the body and bending it only at the elbow to perform a handshake.
    Normal Handshake
    A normal handshake is one that is made briefly and firmly. To convey confidence and professionalism, this is the best handshake to execute.
    Queen’s Handshake
    A person who offers his fingers, instead of his palm for making a handshake is said to be making a Queen’s handshake. This handshake indicates a sense of superiority. 

    How To Be Happy Being Single

    The saying “Single; ready to mingle” must have entered the cliche hall of fame by now.  Every now and then we hear about men and women who are happy being on their own and show no signs of wanting to pair up with someone and spend the rest of their lives with that person. We must understand that it is being done for a purpose; it is important to be able to see oneself as a wholesome, complete human being, rather than one half of a could-be or has-been couple. Being the masters of your own life gives both men and women the control to choose their goals, destinies and happiness in a way that is considered best by them. Also, it is important to examine one’s self worth according to one’s own standards and not according to the standards set by someone else. Though people believe that men and women were created to pair up, you can be single and still be happy, till you find the right person to share both happiness and sorrow with. Here’s how to be happy being single.
    Staying Happy When Single
    Here are some ways in which you can be happy and be in control of yourself, even when you are single:
    Treat life with new vigor and passion: the kind that you may not have accorded to it all this while. Let life give you a high; just the thought that you are alive should serve as an inspiration to be alive. Also have a purpose and a mission in life – a reason to get out of bed and to start your day. Having a partner does not really substitute for having a mission or a purpose in life.
    Be Selfish
    Be selfish and be nice with yourself; it is important especially for those who are just recovering from a broken relationship. All this while you may have thought of yourself as one half of a couple; now, begin to think of yourself as a full and complete human being or person. Think about your well being, your happiness, your lifestyle, your dreams, your career, your friends… you get the point, don’t you?
    Ship Shape
    This goes out to all the lazy people who have long avoided the very topic – get out of the couch and get in shape. And no, round is not the shape YOU should be in; you are no football, you are a human being. Human beings were born to have a great body and a great shape. Those who may have doubts about not being regular about it should know that one needn’t have a great body to begin with but to have a great body one has to begin working out. Being in shape will give you a wonderful sense of being in control of your life and having done a good deed.
    Pamper Yourself
    This is an easy one – pamper yourself to something that you have long put off. It could be a swim in the pool, a long walk, a long overdue visit to the beauty parlor or salon. Give yourself a makeover; nothing works better than it. It will give you the much needed confidence. Buy that new dress that you always wanted to buy or give your wardrobe an overhaul. Redecorate your home in a way that you wanted to. Keep yourself surrounded with beautiful things and you are less likely to feel the need for someone to complete yourself.
    Go Out With Friends
    Having a wonderful support group or network of friends, who will stand by you through thick and thin is a wonderful feeling. Call up your friends and go out with them to the place that you all love to hang out at. Make sure to have loads of fun and not to sulk about anything. Do not go out with a couple! They will make you feel jealous and the whole evening would be nothing less than torture.

    How To Utilize The Positive Power Of Thinking

    Norman Vincent Peal may be the first person who comes to your mind when somebody talks about ‘the power of positive thinking’. He is one author who wrote many books about the power of positive thinking. Thoughts are tiny packets of energy. Each of your thoughts have immense energy that can empower you to achieve whatever you want to, if you concentrate to control your thought process. You may have heard that there are two kinds of thoughts. Good thoughts are called as positive thoughts and bad ones as negative thoughts. If you feed your mind with good thoughts, they will give you peace of mind, high confidence, self esteem and sound health while your bad thoughts can ruin you gradually. Positive thinking has worked miracles in the life of terminally ill people. You can achieve the whole world if your mind is in your control and if you feed it with good and beautiful thoughts. Read on the article to know more about how to utilize the positive power of thinking.
    Tips To Build & Use Power Of Positive Thinking
    • You should feed your mind with positive thoughts and good things will happen in your life. According to ancient sages, mind is almost like a garden. If you put seeds of virtue and peace, they would grow in your mind’s soil. On other hand, if you put the seeds of negative thoughts in your mind, they can affect you adversely. It is the lack of control on your mind which makes the weed of negative thought grown in your mind.
    • One effective exercise that can help one to develop a good attitude is giving more compliments to people. When you shower people with compliments, you will also feel good about yourself. Think of the good things your neighbor or your friend did in life, compliment them for it from heart. They will feel better and they will treat you better. Basically a compliment is a chicken soup for a human soul. This will make you feel better about yourself and that will reflect in every activity you do in life.
    • Compliment yourself as much as possible. It takes high stress to convince yourself that you are doing well but you should take burden for being a person with positive thinking. Never think of the negative things which you happened to commit in your life. If you think of those things, it would lead you to high guilty conscious which can burn your inner peace forever. Think of the good things you commit in your life. There is a mentality in majority of the human beings that they think themselves as very bad people which in fact they are not. Never keep a bad image about yourself in your mind. It can be a reason for failure in life.
    • You should think of yourself as the best person ever born on the face of earth. This image will help you to gain more confidence and it will reflect when you talk things. Never wear a posture of a tired and inferior person in your life. You should walk like a king. This will give you more confidence and will reflect in your body language. You should think border less and limitless. This limitless thinking will provide you more richness in material and spiritual sense, which you never dream of.
    • Your new confident personality can achieve you more friends in your work place or in college. People will start listening to you when you talk things with an air of confidence and authenticity. You will gradually become darling of the masses.